Gawulo Service

We provide kasi restuarant owner with free listing and get them new customers in their Kasi (Neighbourhood). We provide them with stock tracking system if they interested in our system.

Gawulo will help indivivuals find the nearest kasi restuarant by searching which food they looking for e.g. Kota, Nhloko, Mogodu etc.

Inyama Yenhloko

You can never visit township and not enjoy "inyama yenhloko". This meal is best enjoyed late friday and sunday morning to deal with hangover or to prepare your taste buds for a old beer.


The Best meal in township enjoyed anytime of the day by anyone. Make sure you go to township just to get this meal.

Stock Tracking System

We will help you track your stock with our system and we will customize it to meet your needs.

Climb Ranks

Allow customers to rate your food and service so you can attract more customers with any hustle or spending money.

Find Kasi Restuarant

Download our mobile app to search for your favorite kasi food. Live and Eat in kasi with Class. Own your kasi, know your kasi and support your kasi.